Affiliate Disclaimer

The following disclosure is to comply with FTC policy in that we disclose that we are affiliated, reviewing, and could be compensated a small amount for linking to products or services on our site.

Our content or posts may not always be identified as paid or sponsored content and you should assume that every link on the site is a possible affiliate link. No content is written or presented for the sole purpose of receiving affiliate compensation.

Some links might be shortened if they are extremely long but are not meant to be obfuscated. In most cases, by clicking on a link the third-party affiliate may include a cookie that tracks our affiliate ID to compensate us for signing up or buying a product.

We would like to express to you that our affiliate-linking products and services are hand-picked, manually entered, and vetted or used by our staff or close family. Some sites use a blanket plugin that will plaster affiliations all over the site without a vetting process. If/when we find that a product or service does not meet our standards we will remove the affiliation with that product or service promptly. We are proud of our affiliations and it is a way to monetize and pay for the operation of Prepping HQ.

In most cases, we never receive a product to review and if so we will reveal that. We purchase all of our products ourselves the exact way you would because we put our products to use for us.

We do not currently use advertising, banners, popups, or other means of bombarding you while reading our articles and reviews. Advertising in this way is a distraction to our content and we have no plans of changing this. Affiliate marketing is our only source of income from these articles.

This website is operated and maintained by Prepping HQ located in Floyd, VA. For any questions about this policy or website, please use our contact page.